杨丰 研究员









杨丰,自然资源部第三海洋研究所研究员,国家虾蟹产业技术体系病害防控岗位专家,厦门大学兼职教授,博士生导师。自1995年后一直从事对虾病原的分子生物学研究,在国际上率先完成了对虾白斑综合症病毒(WSSV)基因组的全序列测定,阐明了WSSV病毒粒子的蛋白质组成成分及初步的装配机制,以及病毒进入宿主及细胞的途径;首次发现一种新的致病性的虾虹彩病毒CQIV,并开展了监测预警。此外还建立了多种对虾病原的定量快速检测方法,监测了数千份虾样品,获得了大量对虾病原爆发及流行数据。至今已在 J. Virol.、Virology、J. Gen. Virol.、Arch Virol.、J. Virol. Methods、Virus Res.、Dis. Aquat. Organ.、Fish Shellfish Immunol. 等国际SCI源学术期刊上发表了50多篇对虾病害相关的研究论文。



1. Wu, J.J., Li, F.*, Huang, J.J., Xu, L.M., Yang, F.*, Crayfish hematopoietic tissue cells but not hemocytes are permissive for white spot syndrome virus replication. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2015, 43(1):67-74.

2. Lin, F.Y., Jie, Z.L., Hou, L.H., Li, F.*, Yang, F.*, Characterization of white spot syndrome virus VP52B and its interaction with VP26. Virus Genes. 2015, 50(1):46-51.

3. Li, Z.P., Chen, W.Y., Xu, L.M., Li, F.*, Yang, F.*, Identification of the interaction domains of white spot syndrome virus envelope proteins VP28 and VP24. Virus Res. 2015, 200:24-29.

4. Huang, J.J., Li, F.*, Wu, J.J., Yang, F.*, White spot syndrome virus enters crayfish hematopoietic tissue cells via clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Virology 2015, 486:35-34

5. Li, Z.P. , Li, F. , Han, Y.L., Xu, L.M., Yang, F.*, VP24 is a chitin-binding protein involved in white spot syndrome virus infection. J. Virol. 2016, 90(2) 842-850.

6. Xu, L.M.#, Wang, T.T.#, Li, F., Yang, F.*, Isolation and preliminary characterization of a new pathogenic iridovirus from redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Dis. Aquat. Organ. 2016, 120(1) 17-26.

7. Li F.*, Gao M.L., Xu L.M., Yang F.*, Comparative genomic analysis of three white spot syndrome virus isolates of different virulence. Virus Genes. 2017, 53(2), 249–58

8. Li F.*, Xu L.M., Yang F.*, Genomic characterization of a novel iridovirus from redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus: evidence for a new genus within the family Iridoviridae. J. Gen. Virol. 2017, 98(10) 2589–95.

9. Han Y.L., Li F.*, Xu L.M., Yang F.* A VP24-truncated isolate of white spot syndrome virus is inefficient in per os infection. Vet Res. 2017, 48(1):87, 1-11.

10. Yang Z., Xu X.M., Li F.*, Yang F.*,Characterization of the promoter of white spot syndrome virus immediateearly gene wsv249,Virus Research,2018,252,76-81.

11. Li F.*, Chang X.F., Xu L.M., Yang F.*,Different roles of crayfish hemocytes in the uptake of foreign particles,Fish and Shellfish Immunology,2018,77,112-119.



2017-2020年:国家基金 “一种新的虾虹彩病毒分子特征以及致病性研究” (31672691),85万元。








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